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Print, camera and book sales

Smileycam sales page

I used to sell them but cost of fiilm etc has made it relatively unaffordable for people. Contact me if you want one. Have a look at the page here for further info. You dont have to use them from inside your mouth so you could use it as an introduction to colour pinhole photography (if you have somewhere that processes 110 film)

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Contact me for signed prints. Two sizes, A3 and A4. If you buy a couple, I usually hurl a beer can solargraphy camera in the tube. 

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I've done three published tomes each of which have their own merits:

Discovering Light - Educational, designed for educators who want to teach light to da yoof. Actually useful which is cool. Published by the Association for Science Education. 

Build Your Own Pinhole Camera - A 'How to do pinhole' book. Excellent text and brilliant designs by Josh Buczynski.  A bit: 'Put a CD on it people will buy it for Christmas'  book with a fairly sad, 'You have to do a DSLR chapter'. Worth getting for the text then make one of my cameras on this site. 

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Mouthpiece - Completely uneducational but one of the greatest books ever! 92 image taken from inside my mouth. Published by the great Dewi Lewis. I buy the cheaper ones on ebay and sign them (or leave teeth marks on the cover!). I have around 20 unopened but only give them to nice people!

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